An almighty show...
Yes indeed, our next main show on Saturday 16th March is going to be a bit of a belter!! 2019 marks our 6th year at the Leicester Square...
5 years old next Saturday...
..yes indeed, our next main show on 13th October is our 5th birthday! Woo hoo!! Come celebrate with us at the Leicester Square Theatre...
Celebrating 5 years with BGT's MATT EDWARDS!
2018 is our 5th anniversary year and we're celebrating in style with our next main show on 13th October featuring BGT"s MATT EDWARDS....
Our 5 year anniversary show with JAMIE RAVEN!
Saturday 24th March sees our first main West End Magic show of 2018 which is just under 2 weeks away and 5 years since our first ever...
Exciting times ahead...
Our first main West End Magic show kicks off 2018 on 24th March in a colossal way! London's premier magic show at the Leicester Square...
An almighty show...
Our main West End Magic show continues at the Leicester Square Theatre on 14th October with the biggest selection of top UK magic &...
Final shows of the year this Saturday...
That's right, this weekend sees the last of our family Christmas magic shows and the last shows from us for 2016. However do not despair,...
Christmas (West End Magic) has started!
Yep, last weekend saw the beginning of our family Christmas magic shows in London at the Museum of Comedy and what shows they were!...
Christmas Magic is nearly here...
Ho ho oh yes indeed!! Christmas West End Magic starts in just a couple of days and we are practically overflowing with excitement!! So to...
Want to know how it's done??
We can't give away all of our secrets but our next Children's Magic Workshops is this Saturday 29th October at the Museum of Comedy. The...